Office National de Diffusion Artistique

Office National de Diffusion Artistique

"Working in the Performing Arts" #1
October 14, 2024

In partnership with Associations des scènes labellisées, Think Prod, LAPAS and Cromot.

These three encounters, co-organized with associations from the sector*, address the challenges faced in cultural professions, such as lack of time for quality work, team tensions, differing rhythms, and passion for the profession. This series particularly explores the relationships and modes of collaboration between venue teams, artistic teams, and production offices, aiming to share observations and collectively imagine concrete improvement proposals.

 * the National Research Agency and the Associations of labelled performing art venues (Association of French Programming Venues, Association of National Drama Centres, National Choreographic Centres Association, National Choreographic Development Centres Association, Association of the National Centres of Street and Public Spaces Art, Latitude marionnette/National Puppetry Centres and the representatives of the City theaters and the Conventioned stages)

"Working in the Performing Arts" #1