Office National de Diffusion Artistique

Office National de Diffusion Artistique

The CooProg plateform

The idea for this platform emerged in October 2022, during a workshop at the “Where to land” European forum held in Strasbourg on October 5th and 6th, 2022, during which experts and professionals from the performing arts sector discussed the major challenges facing the cultural sector in terms of ecological transition. Indeed, it had become essential for the performing arts sector to work towards reducing the carbon footprint of its mobility and audiences, which would require greater cooperation. Various partners* were quick to support this ambitious and necessary project.

CooProg is a free and open-source platform designed to facilitate cooperation in programming in order to increase the lifespan of artistic works and help limit their ecological impact. The tool is aimed at people with a programming role in a structure, who can share and identify, within their circle of partners, ideas for convergent projects, with the aim of working together to set up tours and artistic mobilities that are coherent both geographically and temporally.


The CooProg platform was launched in October 2023. During the initial launch phase, professionals who program live performances in structures located in Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland can register. CooProg will then be rolled out on a larger scale in other countries, and possibly on other continents.

Currently, over 800 users are registered, and more than 1,000 projects are already online.

Click HERE to find out more about CooProg, access the platform, create your account and start cooperating.

🎥 A Webinar presenting the tool's functionalities and the results of the Action Research carried out by researchers Céline Schall and Elise Chièze-Wattinne took place on September 30th, 2024 ➡️

In March 2025, new features were introduced to better meet your scheduling and coordinated tour organization needs. 
What has changed? 
     - The project sheet has been redesigned: all touring periods for a show are now linked to the same project sheet, while still being visible separately; 
     - The schedule is now more collaborative, detailed and dynamic, for fluid and simplified organization;
     - It is now possible to add dates on behalf of colleagues, whether or not they are CooProg users, so that tour information is as complete and up-to-date as possible.
What's coming soon (Spring 2025)?
     - Artistic teams will have access to touring projects and will be able to play an active role in setting up tours for their show;
     - The show description form will be better informed, and more comprehensive filters will enable you to refine your searches and easily identify relevant projects according to your interests;
     - An integrated Chat will facilitate exchanges between partners, programmers, artistic teams and production offices.
🎥 A short 10-minute demo (with Enlgish subtitles) presents these new features ↗️
* CooProg is an Onda project created with the support of Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council, the City of Esch-sur-Alzette, the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, the Association des Scènes nationales and the Goethe-Institut.